Our Student Government Association (SGA) and Class Officers provide leadership within our school community. 


Students must submit an application to run for office and elections take place each spring for the following school year.  Each class has a president, vice-president, treasurer and secretary.  The senior class also has a homecoming chairperson and the junior class has a prom chairperson.  The class officers are responsible for representing their class and assist with the planning and execution of all class events and fundraisers.



SGA meets on a weekly basis and each position has a specific role.  Overall, SGA plays an integral part in developing the community-based culture in the school.  Below is the list of officer positions for SGA. 

  • President
  • Vice President
  • Secretary
  • Treasurer
  • Parliamentarian
  • Social Media Director
  • Activities Director
  • Fundraising Director
  • Public Relations Director
  • Spirit Director